Monday, 14 September 2009

more sportifs

I sort of feel like I'm getting bit by a cycling bug .. and want to do more organised rides .. There is a not too long one next month, which I reckon I can do - organised by Rourke's bike shop .. called the Cat and Fiddle.

Went out to look at the Cat and Fiddle climb this weekend .. it is lovely out there .. did 30 miles with two long climbs in it .. and tbh the c&f is not a hard climb, just a bit long and gentle, which suits me! Lovely views out as well.

I had my new (look) pedals and shoes on today - new pedals are a bit of a trick when starting off up-hill -- but I guess I'll get used to the technique of spinning it round to click in .. they feel great when I an actually peddling .. rock solid!

Sunday, 6 September 2009

first sportif

we just did the 70km ride as part of a charity thing on the route they will use near here for the Tour of Britain ...

marvellous ..